Not a car road, but the most hair-raising experience you can have on your own two legs. This is a heavy-tourist traffic area in Xian (Mt.Huashan); this link explains more about the area.
The hanging wooden planks are a real tourist hike path, which hundreds of daredevils navigate - with no safeguards in sight. Try to step on them in slippery / snowy conditions... or better not.
jgn risau, kat atas ni disediakan tandas...paip air? hmmm...xde kot....
p/s: ari ni dh ari akan bermulalah sesi pembelajaran aku...dh jd 2nd year 2nd sem seyh...kejap je masa dgr citer isnin cuti isra' mikraj...hmmm....nk buat addrop lg...subjek sume dh berterabur dh.....hoho.....
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